Thursday 29 August 2013

Latest books Pakistan

Book Detail

The Shadow of the Crescent Moon
Fatima Bhutto

Fatima Bhutto's stunning debut novel The Shadow of the Crescent Moon, begins and ends one rain swept Friday morning in Mir Ali, a small town in Pakistan's Tribal Areas close to the Afghan border.

Book Detail

A White Trail : A Journey into the Heart of Pakistan's Religious Minorities
Haroon Khalid

The formation of Pakistan and the search for an Islamic identity are inextricably interlinked, says journalist Haroon Khalid. Of the wider issue of global politics, he reasons, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism has been a side effect.

new hairstyles

Stylish and trendy

How Do You French braid:

 A Step by Step Guide

Braid hairstyles are always hot fashion in Summer Season because they are easy to make and look good on every type of faces. Mostly girls do not have long hairs rather they have medium size or short hair. So a French braid is always a good option for girls having medium length hairs and side French braid for girls having short length hairs.
In this article I am going to share a tutorial on How do you French braid. Idea of this article came into my mind when I saw a girl in my college have this French braid hairstyle. She was looking gorgeous in that braid hairstyle. So I thought to share tutorial on How to do french braid for my readers.
The hairstyle is from France world; in the French language, the same hairstyle is natively called tresse française (french plait), corresponding to its exact translation in the English language (“française” meaning “french”, and “tresse” meaning “plait” in the French language).
The phrase “French braid” appears in an 1871 issue of Arthur’s Home Magazine, used in a piece of short fiction that describes it as a new hairstyle (“…do up your hair in that new French braid…”).However, no visual illustrations are provided for that context, making it impossible to tell whether it refers to the same hairstyle described above.
Here is the step by step guide to How do you French braid. The French braid is a beautiful and classic hairstyle. It may appear to look complicated, but the finished effect will be worth the effort.



It is important that you should brush or comb your hairs thoroughly to remove any kind of knots or tangles using a wide- toothed brush. Comb your hairs straight.

how do you french braid
Now after removing knots you have to separate a section of hair from the rest of the hair at the point where you want to begin the braid. A high French braid, for example, should start at the very top of your head and low French braid will start from the hairs above ears. Low French braid is thick as compare to high French braid and it includes less braiding to do. So first choose which type of French braid you want to do.
I.C TIP- Tie your hairs with a transparent rubber band which you have separated out. It will help you in doing French braid easily.

You have to slip the section which you have separated from your hairs into three even strands. Make sure that the strands are completely separated all the way to the ends otherwise they will become entangled in each other as you start work on your braid.

Hold the leftmost strand with your left pinkie while moving the rightmost strand from your right hand to your left. Shift the new rightmost strand (used to be the middle strand) from your left hand to your right.

Take the rightmost strand with your right pinkie, then rotate your left hand so that you can grasp the leftmost strand in your right hand. Shift what used to be the middle strand (and is now the leftmost strand) to your left hand. This is all the part of simple braid.

In French braid you have to take new hairs from your both hands every time you cross your hands.

how do you french braid
Use your right index finger to pick up a section of hair from the right side of the head and add it to the new rightmost strand. This is important part in making a French braid hairstyle.

Take the leftmost strand with the left pinkie and then rotate your left hand in such a way that you can grasp the rightmost strand. Shift the new rightmost strand to your right hand.

how do you french braid
This step is same as when you add some hair to right most strands. In this step use your left index finger to pick up a section of hair from the left side of the head and add it to the leftmost strand.

how do you french braid
Grasp the rightmost strand with your right pinkie, and then rotate your right hand so that you can grasp the leftmost strand. Shift the new leftmost strand (used to be the middle strand) from your right hand to the left.
Now repeat steps of adding hairs from right and left side of section. Add hair to and alternate between the right- and leftmost strands until there is no more hair to add.

how do you french braid
Finish the end part by doing a regular braid.
how do you french braid
This is the last step of how you do French braid. Choose clip or hair tie matching with your top your are wearing.
I.C TIPIf you have hairs out of the braid tuck them in with a pin or use hairspray on short hairs to set them.
That was in Step by Step Guide: How do you French braid. Go and enjoy this cool hairstyle. It look extremely good with casual outfit like jeans and tops. Do a little bit practice because you may not get it perfect at once but with practice you can make It better. If you find anything wrong do share with us by commenting below.

What to Eat and Lose Weight?

Dieting will not gonna help you in losing weight.

I.C TIP- Don’t skip breakfast. A good breakfast is the most crucial part of any healthy weight-loss effort, as it revs up your energy level and metabolism for the full day.

Fill up on low-calorie, filling foods and you’ll lose weight without suffering through the pangs of hunger. Eating fiber-rich, low-energy-dense foods promotes weight loss. Keep reading to find out which foods to eat and lose weight.


eat and lose weight
According to scientific study, eating eggs in breakfast makes you feel fuller for longer so that you eat less at your next few meals. Isn’t its great!! If you’re trying to lose weight as it means you may find it easier to cut calories without feeling hungry. In fact, based on these results you could expect to lose up to 2lb a month, simply by eating eggs for breakfast!


eat and lose weight
If you want to lose weight start eating more fruit or vegetable salads. Choose which one you like.
Add Cottage cheese in salad as it can serve as your protein source.
Ingredients for Vegetable Salad
Possible ingredients for a vegetable salad include
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Sprouts
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Beans
Ingredients for Fruit Salad
  • Fresh berries,
  • Grapes
  • Orange
  • Tangerine
  • Segments or Cut Pears
  • Melons
  • Apples
Add Olive Oil in salad it will enhance taste of salad.


eat and lose weight
Three cups of green tea in a day will help you a lot in losing your weight. Green tea containing caffeine significantly increased thermogenesis by 28% to 77%, depending on dose, whereas caffeine alone resulted in no significant increase. It is great source of anti-oxidants which helps in decreasing weight.


eat and lose weight
Eating low-carbohydrate diets as compare to low-fat diets will help you more in losing weight. Olive oil contains no carbohydrates, which can aid in weight loss. Also Olive Oil is high in fat, as each 1 tbsp. serving contains 13.5 g, but it can be beneficial in some ways. Dietary fat helps promote feelings of fullness, so olive oil might help control your appetite. Less you feel hungry less calories you take ultimately your weight will decrease.


eat and lose weight
When you drink soup, you feel full faster, which stops you to consume other foods. Over time, your stomach gets smaller and smaller, so you will get to eat only small amounts of foods. Your belly fat will go away in days. More than that, eating soup improves your digestion and hydrates your body. You won’t feel hungry at all after eating plenty of soup, that’s for sure!


eat and lose weight
Cinnamon is a miracle spice that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant, as well as cancer-fighting and cholesterol-lowering effects.  Cinnamon helps prevent this increased storage of fat and enables you to lose weight. It also delays the passing of food from the stomach into the intestine. Hence, you feel satisfied for a longer time and eat less. This helps you lose weight.


eat and lose weight
Beans are full of fiber and water. These two ingredients will make you feel fuller faster. Beans are digested more slowly than other high-protein foods such as meat, beans keep your belly satisfied longer. Beans also stabilize blood sugar levels, which suppresses hunger longer. Add beans such as kidney, black, or pintos to your salads, pasta, soups, and whole grains.


eat and lose weight
Eating oatmeal in breakfast will really help you losing weight. A friend of mind lost 10 pounds in a week by just eating oatmeal in breakfast. You don’t need to cut anything in your diet just eat oatmeal in breakfast and see results. Oatmeal is rich in fibers which slow down digestion and keeping your belly full for longer time.
I.C TIP- Drink 7-8 glasses of water a day which helps you not only losing your weight but also make you skin healthy.
That was some food which I recommend to you to include in your diet which you ca eat and lose weight. Have you eaten any of food listed above? Is it helped you in cutting down your weight? Do tell me by commenting below.

Fashion That Effect Your Health

Things You should Know About Fashion That Effect Your Health

Everybody likes to look trendy and stylish. But usually they buy certain things to wear that will actually effect their health in future. I am writing this article especially for women to make them aware about certain fashion items that are helping them to look stylish and beautiful but at the cost of their life. Yes, life girls I am not kidding you should read this article carefully. There are some health risks that you should know about certain clothes and accessories.
Excess of Everything is Bad
There are many things in our daily routine which we use, but not well for our future. We can be safe by avoiding them or using them properly in our routine. So check out Things You Should Know About Fashion That Effects Your Health. I am sure you will be amazed by reading this article.


things you should know
While walking in flip flops, there is no support to our foot due to which our foot does not properly get up while walking. Researchers at Auburn University videotaped 39 volunteers and noticed they had to clench their toes to keep them on, leading to foot fatigue, sore calf muscles and an altered gait, which could cause long-term ankle and hip problems.


I am sure you all will know about this thing that wearing high heels more than two inches effect muscles of hips, knees and foot  which cause bunions, hammer toes, stress fractures and ankle sprains.
So you always have to select footwear that is comfortable and we should face any kind of difficulties while walking after health comes first.
When you wear heels more than two inches, 57% of pressure comes on your foot and knees.


things you should know
Skinny Jeans are very much in fashion these days, but they are not good for our health. Skinny Jeans cause barrier in blood circulation in our body. According to a study, reason behind blood clots in foot, bladder or urinary infections is wearing tight clothes only.
So always try to wear clothes that are not much tight or not too much baggy
More than 80% of people who wear tight clothes faces problems like heart Burn, Stomachache etc.


things you should know
A Cornell study says a whopping 67% of men need to loosen up at the office–wearing shirts with too-small neck sizes and too-tight ties can reduce circulation to the brain and decrease range of motion in the neck and increase muscle tension in the back and shoulders. And since ties are rarely cleaned, they transmit infections easily.


things you should know
Most of the women’s like carry big handbag. One and only reason behind it is more the space more things you can carry with you. Carrying your hand bags for long time on your one shoulder will effect muscles in neck and shoulder.
If it is necessary for you to carry things along with you try to switch positions of your hand bag. Don’t carry it on one shoulder for long time. Use bag packs for carrying laptops
Women carry no more than 10% of their body weight in a bag.”


things you should know
Some women’s like to wear heavy earrings to look fashionable. But they don’t know that it put extra pressure on your ear, due to which hole in your ear enlarges. So try to avoid wearing heavy earrings.
That was all the things you should know about fashion which effects your health. Do you wear any of these items and worry how they may effect your health? Did anything on this list totally surprise you? Do tell me by commenting below, if you have any problem, discuss with me and I will solve them for you.

Latest Braided Hairstyles

That was all in Latest Braided Hairstyles for Girls. Do tell us which hairstyles you liked the most. Do not hesitate in doing Braid Hairstyles it look complicated but it is simple if you know How to do it properly.


 5 steps to lose weight

lose weight
  Rigorous workouts – a mix of cardio, weights, swimming and dancing, and a sensible diet – where I obviously had to give up on my cheese, pizza and coffee addiction, helped me knock off a good 30 – 40 kgs over a span of a year. Over this time, I have realised the importance of small lifestyle changes that can go a long way in helping achieve one’s fitness goals. So even if you don’t get time to exercise that often, try out these simple tried and tested tricks to get rid of that extra baggage.

Reduce the size of the plate or bowl you eat in. This will not only reduce the portion size that you serve to yourself but also create an illusion that you are eating a plate / bowl overflowing with your favourite stuff. Remember, the trick is not to stop eating what you like, but taking control of what you eat.

Eat what you need:
We all are well aware of the kind of food we eat and the kind of food we ideally should eat. Seldom do we succeed in making a switch- partial or complete. But try this. Every time you snack on something that is unhealthy, say this out loud, “I don’t need to eat this. I don’t like this anymore.” Over time, this will train your mind to get over your un-dying love of whatever unhealthy food you are addicted to and ensure portion control.
 Hate weight no more!
The first step to start losing weight is to accept that you are unhealthy and you need to knock off a few kilos to get healthier. So, even as you may hate this, start weighing yourself. Do this at least once a day for a reality check that keeps reminding you and motivated about your fitness targets.

Food blogging anyone?
Maintain your own food blog. All you need is a notepad or maintaining a document on your smart phone or laptop. Write down about the big meals that you eat - complete with details like – how healthy / unhealthy you think it is, the portion size, if you took a second serving, did you overeat etc. This will help you stay aware of what you are eating and over time help control that life destroying binge feeling.

Things that we all know:
We all know this, but still we falter when it comes to following these basic rules. Sleeping well is very important for a healthy being. As sleep deprivation will make you feel tired and that will lead you to eating more than your normal share. Also, do not underestimate the importance of a good first meal of the day. Eat a heavy on protein breakfast (beans, sprouts, eggs, peanut butter) and fruits. This will help you control hunger pangs between this and the next meal. And yes, try indulging in some kind of physical activity whenever you can.

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