1 – Eat Apples
This one simple change to your diet will result in steady weight loss. Eat an apple before every meal. If you want to lose weight faster, eat two.
2 – Ditch the Drinks
- Coffee with half-and-half and sugar: 90 calories
- Medium caffe latte: 250 calories
- Double cappuccino (skim milk): 100 calories
- Wine: 150 calories
- Energy drink: 110 calories
- Large soda from fast-food restaurant: 300 calories
- Beer 150 calories
- Orange juice (8 ounces): 110 calories
So you’ve got to ditch the drinks. Switch to black, unsweetened coffee or tea. Some nutritionists think the caffeine contributes to weight loss. Don’t drink diet sodas. They have no calories, which is good, but studies suggest they contribute to weight gain anyway, possibly by increasing the body’s craving for sweets. Drink carbonated water instead: seltzer, club soda, or mineral water. After a week you’ll find that you don’t miss the sodas and fancy coffees.
Don’t reduce the number of high-calorie drinks you consume – eliminate them entirely.
3 – Drink Lots of Water
In 2003, the Journal of Endocrinology published the report of a study demonstrating that drinking 17 ounces of water can temporarily boost metabolic rates by 30 percent.
Oh, and don’t bother with fancy bottled water unless you’re trying to boost the stock value of the oil companies that provide the materials from which plastic water bottles are made. Tests have shown that bottled water has no health benefits over regular tap water. In fact, in many cases it is tap water – labeling restrictions are quite lax.
So fill up a pitcher and keep it in the refrigerator. Keeping water cold makes it more satisfying and some experts say the cold temperature boosts the metabolic benefits.
A Thinner You
The best thing about this weight-loss plan is not what it includes, but what it doesn’t include. You don’t have to subject your diet to a radical overhaul. You don’t have to give up the foods you love. You don’t even have to skip desserts, though you’ll drop the pounds more quickly if you do.
All you have to do is adopt these three simple changes and your body will take care of the rest.
What could be simpler?
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