Monday, 11 November 2013

Fast Belly Blast: Crunch-Free Ab Exercises

Ab flatteners that cinch and sculpt -- no crunches required.

Side-Bend Shoulder Press

What you'll need: a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell
Targets: Shoulders, abs, and obliques
-- Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, dumbbell in right hand by side, and bring left hand to touch back of head, elbow bent out to side.
-- Hinge at waist to side bend to right, reaching dumbbell along outside of right leg toward knee. (Do not allow torso to tip forward.)
-- Return to upright posture, raising dumbbell to right shoulder and then pressing it overhead, palm facing left.
-- Lower dumbbell to shoulder; return to start.
-- Do 30 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.

Weighted Twist

Targets: Abs, obliquesbutt, and legs
-- Stand with feet wide apart in a semi-squat position, holding dumbbell in front of waist, one end in each hand, elbows bent by sides.
-- Keeping hips fairly squared and elbows glued to ribs, rotate torso to right, then left to complete 1 rep.
-- Do 3 sets of 30 reps.

Knee Jack

Targets: Shoulders, absobliques, and legs
-- Holding dumbbell directly overhead, one end in each hand, stand with feet wide and staggered, left foot in front of right, left knee slightly bent.

Split-Squat Curl

Targets: Absobliquesbutt, and legs
-- Stand, holding one end of dumbbell in each hand.
-- Lunge forward with right leg, bending both knees 90 degrees; bending elbows at shoulder level in front of you, bring center of dumbbell in front of forehead.

Curtsy Punch

Targets: Shoulders, arms, absobliquesbutt, and legs
-- Holding dumbbell close to chest, one end in each hand, stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
-- Cross left leg behind right so left foot touches floor by outside of right heel and do a slight curtsy as you rotate torso to right, extending arms forward at shoulder level.
-- Return to start.
-- Do 15 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.

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